Parish Council Finances
Blofield Parish Council discharges its duties and powers within the law and according to its finance governance policies. Finances are discussed at monthly Parish Council meetings, with a set of summary documents published here after the end of each financial year.
Finance Budget Setting (2025-26) - Final Report Dec. 2024
Finance Budget Setting (2024-25) - Final Report Dec. 2023
Summary of Parish Council Receipts & Payment for BDC - Dec. 2023
Notice of Conclusion of Audit for year ended 31.03.2024
Notice of Public Rights & Publication of AGAR for year ended 31.03.2024
Annual Return & Accountability Return form
Annual Financial Report for Year End 2024
S3 Confirmation of Completion by External Auditor
Appendix E & F to Minutes of 5/12/2022 - Budget Setting for 2023/24
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021-2022
Annual Accounts Summary 2021-22
Agreed Budget & Notes (2021/22)
End of Year Full Papers (2020/21)
Notification of the end of the Audit (2019/20)
External Auditors Certificate (2019/20)
Exercise of Public Rights (2019/20)
End of Year Full Audit Papers (2019/20) - DRAFT
Community Infrastructure Levy Information (2019/20)
Notification of the end of the Audit (2018/19)
Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2018/19
Annual Return 2018/19 final submitted papers
Exercise of Public Rights 2018/19
Notification of the end of the Audit (2017/18)
Annual Governance Statement (2017/18)
External Auditor Report & Certificate (2017/18)
Exercise of Public Rights (2017/18)
Notes on how 2017 / 2018 Precept Figure was calculated
Explanation of Variances 2017/2018
Liability Insurance Certificate 2017-18
Parish Council Accounts
The accounts for the year ending 31 March will be available as soon as the council has signed off the content. (See below for the current set of accounts).
Local Councils in England with an annual turnover of £1million or less must complete an annual return which summarises its financial activities at the end of the financial year.
The financial year for all local authorities runs from 1 April to 31 March. The Annual Return, which summarises the Council’s payments and receipts, is examined by an External Auditor, for Blofield Parish Council this is Mazars.
The Annual Return is made up of the following 4 Sections:
Sections 1 and 2 are completed by the Responsible Financial Officer and signed off by Full Council;
Section 3 is completed by the external audtior; and,
Section 4 is completed by the Parish Council’s appointed Internal Auditor.
Any person wishing to see copies of all the books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts relating to the Annual Return and the Accounting Statements for the preceding year has the right so to do. There is a 30 day period – commencing no later than 1st July – during which electors of the parish will have the right to inspect the accounts. These documents will be made available on reasonable notice by the applicant. For details as to how to make an appointment to view these documents please contact the clerk.