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Becoming a councillor

Are you interested in joining the Parish Council?


A councillor is a member of the council and is normally elected for a term of four years.  People of any political or religious persuasion are eligible to become a councillor for Blofield, although their personal, political views should not extend into their parish council work.


Becoming a parish councillor is a rewarding and valued form of public service. All councillors contribute to the work of the Parish Council by:


  • Having a say about the things they care about

  • Putting forward ideas for better services

  • Responding to the needs and views of parishioners

  • Seeking the best outcome to local issues

  • Getting involved in decision making

  • Helping to make Blofield a better place to live!


We normally meet monthly excluding August. Meetings usually commence at

7.30pm lasting around 2 hours in Blofield Courthouse. Councillors are expected to attend meetings on a regular basis.


To be a Councillor you should:


  • Care about getting the best for your community and making a difference

  • Have a willingness to represent your electorate

  • Undertake a short course for new councillors - cost covered by the Council

  • Adhere to the Code of Conduct

  • Register your interests, and in summary,

  • Bring your enthusiasm and commitment to helping your community, sharing your knowledge, skills, time and/or energy to help make the parish of Blofield a great place to live.


How much time does it take?


Some Councillors say that their duties occupy them for a couple of hours a week. Some Councillors spend more time than this and others less.  It depends on their level of involvement and time available, which may also vary depending on, for example, school holidays.




Training can open Councillors’ eyes to new possibilities, and it is essential that they undertake introductory training on 'becoming a councillor'. A wide range of training for Councillors on relevant subjects is also available online or locally. 


Standing as a Parish or Town Councillor


Anyone who fulfils the following criteria may stand as a Parish, Village or Town Councillor. A Parish or Town Councillor must be:

  • A British subject, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union;

  • On the ‘relevant date’ (i.e. the day on which you are nominated, or if there is a poll on the day of the election) be 18 years of age or over.


You must also:

  • Be a local government elector for the Council area for which you want to stand on the ‘relevant date’;

  • OR have occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the council area during the whole of the 12 months preceding that day;

  • OR had your principal or only place of work in the council area during that same period;

  • OR have resided in the council area during that 12 month period;

  • You can also satisfy the criteria to be elected if you have lived in the council area or within 4.8km (3 miles) of it for the whole of the 12 months preceding the ‘relevant date.’


You cannot stand for election if:

  • You are the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order;

  • You have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine;

  • You work for the Council you want to become a Councillor for (but you can work for other local authorities, including the principal authorities that represent the same area).


For further information, please contact one of the clerks.  And if you are interested in being co-opted, please read the Co-option Policy in the 'Policies and Procedures' section.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


The Role of a Councillor


They are elected to represent the interests of the local community as a whole and promote a harmonious local environment. The number of elected councillors depends on the size of the area. In Blofield we are able to have 12 councillors.


Local councils are the first tier of governance and are the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. They are democratically elected local authorities and exist in England, Wales and Scotland. The term ‘local council’ is synonymous with ‘parish council’, ‘town council’ and ‘community council’.


Local councils are made up of locally elected councillors. They are legally obliged to hold meetings. Most - like us - meet on a monthly cycle to discuss council business and hear from local residents. District councillors regularly attend parish meetings to report back to the district on developments at parish level. County councillors are also invited to attend parish meetings when the parish council feels it is appropriate, and they have a standing invitation to attend and report at the Annual Parish Meeting.


Councillors must abide by a Code of Conduct; a set of rules on how councillors are expected to behave.  They must also declare their pecuniary (financial) interests in the parish, details of which are kept on a Register at Broadland District Council.

Becoming a Parish Councillor.gif


Mrs Sarah Osbaldeston

Parish Clerk & RFO to Blofield Parish Council 

The Lodge, 48 Panxworth Road

South Walsham 

Norwich NR13 6DX 


Mrs Eleanor Bannister

Parish Clerk to Blofield Parish Council


01603 270819


​07703 124544


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