Blofield Parish Council is the first level of local government and the closest to the community it serves. Blofield Parish Council serves the Parish of Blofield which comprises the villages of Blofield and Blofield Heath.
The Parish Council has put together a welcome pack which we hope will give you, along with the information contained on this website, all you need to know about our Parish.

Interested in becoming a councillor?​
Do you want to make a difference in your local community?
Blofield Parish Council has vacancies which we would like to fill with enthusiastic individuals who are passionate about the area they live.
We are especially seeking residents from Blofield Heath to represent the Heath on the council, to provide a voice for concerns, ideas and initiatives that could benefit the village.
Full training about expectations of being a councillor is offered and time commitments vary based on your level of involvement.
For further details, see the Becoming a Councillor page or contact the clerk